Downtown Albany
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Downtown Albany offers a diverse mix of incentives and resources to assist you with your new business or new development.
Opportunity Zone Job Tax Credit
This incentive, which is available for new or existing businesses that create two or more jobs, is a Job Tax Credit which can be taken against the business’s Georgia income tax liability and payroll withholding tax. The credit is available for areas designated by DCA as an “Opportunity Zone”. Downtown Albany is located in an Opportunity Zone.
The DCA Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund
The purpose of the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund (DD RLF) is to assist cities, counties and development authorities in their efforts to revitalize and enhance downtown areas by providing below-market rate financing to fund capital projects in core historic downtown areas and adjacent historic neighborhoods where DD RLF will spur commercial redevelopment.
The Georgia Cities Foundation Revolving Loan Fund
Applications are evaluated based on leadership, accountability, long-term sustainability, and potential for private investment. Projects should encourage spin-off development, add jobs, promote downtown housing, or add to the cultural enrichment of the community. Each application must also undergo credit underwriting.
Georgia Cities Foundation Green Communities Fund Rebate Program
The Green Communities Fund is a rebate program offered by the Georgia Cities Foundation. The Green Communities Fund provides a 25% rebate for pre-approved, eligible energy efficient improvements to downtown commercial, mixed-use, and multi-family buildings within the state of Georgia.
GA State Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation
The Georgia State Income Tax Credit Program for Rehabilitated Historic Property allows eligible participants to apply for a state income tax credit equaling 25 percent of qualifying rehabilitation expenses capped at $100,000 for a personal residence, and $300,000, $5 million or $10 million for all other properties. Note: Historic residential and commercial properties are eligible to participate in both programs. A property must be a "certified structure," which means it must be listed in the National/Georgia Register(s) of Historic Places. The Historic Preservation Division must certify the rehabilitation.
Federal Tax Incentive Programs for Historic Preservation
The Federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit (RITC) is a federal income tax credit equal to 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenses. It is available ONLY for income-producing properties. The application is first reviewed by the Historic Preservation Division (HPD), then forwarded to the National Park Service for review and approval. This program is available nationwide.