The Flint RiverQuarium is a non-pro?t 501(c) (3) organization that was born in the wake of tragedy as the region searched for a way to deal with the devastating aftermath of the ?ood of 1994. When the ?oodwaters receded, community leaders determined that Albany needed a uni?ed approach regarding proposed construction, historic preservation and economic growth downtown.
The Flint RiverQuarium was established as an anchor attraction to interpret the geologic, hydrologic, ecologic and climactic conditions of the Flint River Basin and impact future generations by educating residents, visitors, and perhaps most importantly, children, on the critical importance of our natural resources.
Enrichment is a word often used for out-of-classroom experiences that does not do justice to a planned visit to the Flint RiverQuarium. As the sage once said, "You cannot be what you cannot see." The Flint RiverQuarium provides the type of interactive experience that can jump-start children's curiosity about science and conservation while giving them a glimpse of the future that can be theirs.